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When you consider the obstacles and challenges you face in your life, addressing them can seem difficult. You might be wondering how you can make these adjustments. As someone with experience in these matters, I encourage you to explore this site. Mind-Thought is happy to provide you with the reasons to start this journey.

You may be curious and want to understand why you act in a certain way. If you are interested in learning how you can change and improve, then this is the place for you. Mind-Thought can assist you in making effective changes effortlessly and naturally.

By overcoming the obstacles that you are facing, life will feel better. Through the modifications you seek, Mind-Thought will enable you to make the necessary changes. We will use our methodology, including the sensible use of hypnosis.

Contact Mind-Thought today to begin your journey towards a more authentic and happier life.

My name is Alexander, and I am the creator of Mind-Thought. As an experienced hypnotherapist and NLP master practitioner, I can help you to achieve lasting changes and letting go of the patterns that are in the way of realizing your true potential.

Alexander's Portrait


With all of its wonderful possibilities, language is one of the most important peculiarities of human beings. It has allowed us to evolve in a completely different way than other species on the planet. We all use it from an early age to communicate naturally. The words you use express the essence of who you are as a human being. They are the foundations of your feelings and aspirations, and they can spur you onwards towards success and away from that which holds you back.

While words are so simple, they can change the minds and hearts of others. Based on the words you choose, people will listen carefully to what you have to say. What you say can influence how others perceive you and plays a major role in your present and future experiences.

Your thoughts affect the way you communicate. The way you feel while you converse with others involves nonverbal communication also. Your facial expressions and body movements are a manifestation of your subconscious mind.

As we assist you in connecting with your subconscious, you will begin to understand your underlying motivations. These subliminal motivations impact your thoughts and other forms of expression. Our process can help you to become more effective in how you relate with others.

If you are curious to find out more about hypnotherapy and NLP, visit our about page.

If you want to be certain you are getting caring treatment from someone who is qualified in hypnotherapy, I can recommend Alexander, a course graduate I trained personally.

Stephen Brooks

Senior Trainer and BHRTI Founder

His fascination, his vigor, his meticulousness and his conceptual skills have enabled Alexander to achieve a considerable level of hypnosis competence in an astonishingly short time. Ready to get to know hypnosis in its complexity, combined with corresponding effort, as well as in its simplicity is certainly also part of this success. His modesty and appreciation for the achievements of others as well as his self-confident going his own way will certainly open further doors for him. We can therefore assume that Alexander has begun to establish himself as an expert in the world of hypnosis.

Dr. Erich Zulauf



Dr. Erich ZulaufDr. Erich Zulauf

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